Implement PLM Services for Better Product Development

  • September 4, 2024
  • ornnova-admin

Implement PLM services to gain better results and make sure your product develops smoothly from planning to disposal.

Key components of PLM System:

Management of Data: All product data is stored & maintained in a single storage.

Management of Workflow: All the business processes are managed under a single platform with an automated flow.

Product Status: Measures the working performance with perfect analytics & reports.

Collaboration tools: All the workforce are encouraged to communicate on a single platform for a better product development status.

Visibility & Transparency: Tracks every stage of product life cycle & tries to rectify if any errors found.

Benefits of Implementing PLM System:

Better Quality Management: PLM systems provide the necessary tools to manage the system processes, track products to make sure they meet industry standards and regulations, and help in maintaining high product quality.

Data Security: PLM systems help in protecting sensitive data about the product. It safeguards the data by giving access to only authorized individuals.

Cost Reduction: PLM systems help in reducing the costs of product development by identifying inefficiencies & also tries to provide enough resources without any breakage which leads to reduction in costs.

Increased Innovation:By providing perfect product development conditions PLM systems concentrate more on innovations with new ideas & technologies.

Improved Customer Satisfaction: After the product launch with better quality, PLM systems tries to know more about customer feedback & work more on customer requirements which leads to better market responsiveness.

How long does it take to implement a PLM solution?

Implementing a PLM solution basically depends on the size of the company, what’s the current system they have implemented & its complexity, how much data has to migrate, how much the team in the company is collaborating & so on.

To implement new PLM solutions it usually takes 3-12 months & the time period depends on factors which are mentioned in the above.

Challenges We face while implementing the PLM:

We face many challenges while we implement the PLM solutions. Here we discuss the major challenges we face.

-> We face the problem majorly in the costs like the setup, customization & maintenance costs.

->While we are migrating the data we may face different kinds of the problems like errors in the process & duplicate data identification etc.

->Employees may resist in implementing the new systems from old systems.because of its familiarity.

->Integrating new PLM systems to existing ERP platforms may face more complexity.

->Effective training should be given to the workforce for effective implementation of the new system.

What is the cost of implementing a PLM solution?

The Cost of implementing a PLM Solutions is based on many factors like

->It mainly depends on the size of the company.

-> How much customization the company is expecting.

-> How much of the cost are willing to spend on training for their existing workforce.

-> Costs depend on what type of vendor licenses they are holding.

Approximately for small & medium business it costs between: $50,000 to $250,000.

For Large Enterprises it costs between: $250,000 – $1 million & above.

How do we provide training for plm users?

-> Initially we identify the workforce by their roles,responsibilities & tasks.

-> Next we identify what training needs should be implemented.

-> Later we provide Instruction guides/manuals for better understanding of the new PLM system.

-> All the training is provided in both Online & Offline.

-> Next verifying the users like how they are using the system in a real time situation.

-> After giving necessary training we also provide help desks for more information of the new PLM system & for other related issues.

What support services do we offer for post implementation of PLM systems?

After installing the new PLM system we offer post implementation services such as.

Technical support: Helping in problems with system issues.

System Maintenance: Giving regular updates,patches & upgrades for smooth functioning of the system.

Changes & Improvements: Updating the system according to the requirements of the business for future purposes.

Providing Knowledge base: Maintaining updated documents regarding the system, answering the FAQs & troubleshooting the complicated issues.

These services help organizations to meet the company needs with the new PLM system effectively.